Frog and Toad Together Blog

Napping, Knitting, Buying Kids Clothes and Walkin' Dogs…for the people

Humans of New York October 22, 2013

Filed under: new favorite things — frogandtoadtogether @ 8:14 pm

New fave thing in the world.



Filed under: crafty stuff,knitting,new favorite things — frogandtoadtogether @ 12:45 am

Hmm. They’re kinda cool. A special nod to Dave S with the Dew.

Poor Dave S. I thought about that story a lot today. My favorite line was the one about “you make your family happy now and worry about the details later” or some such.

I also like anytime his dad says “baloney!” because I can hear him (DS) saying it in my head. Oh Lou. I hope he’s still alive and kickin’.

The weather is so perf merf lately, right?! I was driving to work and took a long cut so I could drive along Barbur Blvd to enjoy the trees in their orangey glory. It made me wonder about New England fall and can it really be THAT gorgeous?! Or is it the leaf industry building up hype to sell more leaves?? Paint it red, and sell it to anyone, as Papa Jim would say.

I also took a long cut to work because I’ve seen this young man working at a gas station on Barbur who I SWORE was from TV’s Little People Big World. I was just sure it was him and I was so curious why he was working at the 76 next to The Pancake House. So I stopped in to get gas today. And it weren’t him. I’m glad I stopped though. 1) I needed gas and B) now I know. I only have three more days to travel that route to the gulag. Thank Jebus! My boss was soooooooooooooooooooo infuriating today. It’s too long and way too boring, but ERMERGERD he’s a ding dong.

I have book club Thursday and for the first time in 100 years, I didn’t read the book. I’ve been reading, but relatively lite fare. I’m too twitchy lately. I got the narves real bad.

B’s football team is undefeated which means they’ll be in the play offs which means MORE FOOTBALL PRACTICE. And it’s time to WRAP THIS SHIT UP. It’s too busy with practice and homework and just LIFE. He’s getting tired and overwhelmed with school, math in partic.

Me? I’m awake at 12:43. Everything’s FINE!!

Lookie my coasters!


TV on iPad May 7, 2011

Filed under: new favorite things,Toad Blather,tv — frogandtoadtogether @ 11:26 pm


I downloaded one of my fave shows ever to the iPad and watched an ep – the first ep of the last season. So fun, so clever.

It’s called Gavin and Stacey and I lurves it so.


Heartsy April 30, 2011

Filed under: new favorite things,Toad Blather — frogandtoadtogether @ 6:28 pm

I’ve become a big fan of the Heartsy deals.

Here’s one I got recently – a locket with replaceable front images. It came on a 30″ chain, which is awesomesauce.

I lubs it.


Lunchtime December 28, 2010

Filed under: new favorite things,Toad Blather — frogandtoadtogether @ 12:34 pm

Oh how I’m sure you’ve missed my lunchtime musings. Or not.
Whatevs. Today I did not have my shit together and had to buy
lunch. What a rip me off flip me the bird that was. I’m slowly
feeling myself move back to normal mode, and I’m glad. I’m
motivated to get my lunch made, and get back on a good routine. As
much as I bitchbitchbitch about work, there are totally good points
to it too. Like not staying in my nightgown until 3pm, like
yesterday. I got two gift returns mailed back at lunch time and it
felt good to check off a “to-do” item. I’m tasky, what can I say?
In other gift news, I received a lovely purse from my mother. I
brought it to work today and am happy to note that it fits my work
computair in it, as well as knitting, AND my new Maira Kalman book.
Praise be! It’s uber-well-designed, with pockets and a divider
inside. I know lots of purses have that kind of action, but this
one seems to be particularly functional. Good design, folks, good
design. Here’s a picture: The inside is kinda pink
and the outside is that crazy green, with yellow stitching and it
is 100% fabulous. The green is justright: bright and unique but not
obnox. Win! I also got (from J and the boys) my blackwork cross
stitch profesh framed. I tried to DIY, but it was so heinous
looking. Some things just have to be left to the pro’s. And crikey,
framing is expensive. But now I know…and I think that officially
limits me to one cross-stitch per year, max. It turned out
BEAUTIFULLY…the non-glare glass alone is worth the price. It’s one
of my fave things I’ve ever made. Lucky me to have it framed so
nicely. Per J’s update, the boys are in their ski lesson. They got
ski boots for Xmas, and googles, and helmets. I hope to get some
pictures later. Toodles, kittens.


Yay! October 16, 2010

Filed under: new favorite things,Toad Blather — frogandtoadtogether @ 12:16 pm

This is one of my most beautiful possessions and it’s sat for years in a closet, while I hemmed and hawed about how to use/display it. What a waste of time that was.

My bro got it for me during his Navy travels. I’m not sure what country he bought it in, but it was somewhere in the middle east.

It’s silk, I’m pretty sure, and beautiful beyond the beyonds. He gave it to me probably 10 years ago, before my craft renaissance. It admired it then, but now that I do more with my hands, the intricacy and workmanship is even more unbelievable.

I always knew I wanted to hang it, but could never find the right rod. Tapestry rods are typically gold (I don’t do gold anything) and kinda old lady looking. And rip me off, flip me the bird. (esspensive). Blech.

I found this hand-carved rod at the Lantern Moon warehouse sale and hand-sewed loops on the rug to hang it. The rod is one solid piece, so I had to sew the loops around the rod to close em up.

The rod style is a little Asian looking, which is not essackly mid-east matchy, but the leaf shapes are actually quite similar, I decided. Best of all – eight dollhairs.

Thank you, Devon, for a lovely gift, and thank you J for hanging it up. I’m pleased as punch and it looks great over the Guitar Hero gear.

I love it.


From jlew October 8, 2010

Filed under: Grrrroosss,new favorite things — frogandtoadtogether @ 10:35 pm

This made me have the LOLZ. No wonder she didn’t pass it out at VBS. It does look a little suspect.


Hot rod duct tape July 31, 2010

Filed under: grab your banjo,new favorite things,our kids,Toad Blather — frogandtoadtogether @ 3:16 pm

My kids like duct tape. What can I say?


New Necklace July 13, 2010

Filed under: new favorite things,Toad Blather — frogandtoadtogether @ 7:48 pm

It arrived, and it was too short. I put in a fat-neck-extender of my own device and now it’s supa cute! And as usual, I took one look at it and figured out I could have made one of my own for about negative one dollhair. But my wire wrapping skills are poor at best, so meh, it’s all good. It wasn’t that esspensive. Good old Etsy

I’m sure you all know about Etsy, yes? Do not talk to me until you know Etsy.

Please ignore my hair. I’m looking into wigs.


Grab your car keys, head to Turrrrget April 21, 2010

Filed under: new favorite things,Toad Blather — frogandtoadtogether @ 12:29 pm


Do you have stainless steel appliances?  Do they show every finger print and defy all cleaning regimens?  Do they look streaky, no matter what you use?  I HAVE THE CURE!! 

Get thee to the nearest Turrget and get yourself some of these:

They were recommended to me by Someone Who Would Know.  And she is right.  They look like they leave a white film on your appliance, but it dries and when you buff it, it’s gone.  Our fridge looks like it’s brand spankin’ new.  For some reason it seems like the Children of the Corn dip their hands in honey and bacon grease before they open the fridge.  Which is my dramatic way of saying “The g.d. fridge is always sticky/greasy/grody looking.”  Nothing I’ve used has ever made it look really clean…and I was always slightly irritated with the nouvelle stainless steel appliance fandango.  NO MORE!  Weiman works!  They are $3.69.

You can thank me next time you see me.