Frog and Toad Together Blog

Napping, Knitting, Buying Kids Clothes and Walkin' Dogs…for the people

Figured it out too late! November 9, 2013

Filed under: knitting — frogandtoadtogether @ 11:46 am

I knit almost a whole cowl at B’s game! Next year I’m doing one per game and banging out my craft exchange items at football! Remind me.

It’s pretty cute. Icy blue with some bling. Good for winter.

B’s team lost this morning against Aloha. They had a great season – this was their first loss. Srsly amazing coaches. It was a fun season. Part of me is sad it’s over but mostly I’m glad. Practice + school iz real hard.


Roth-Koasters October 22, 2013

Filed under: crafty stuff,knitting,new favorite things — frogandtoadtogether @ 12:45 am

Hmm. They’re kinda cool. A special nod to Dave S with the Dew.

Poor Dave S. I thought about that story a lot today. My favorite line was the one about “you make your family happy now and worry about the details later” or some such.

I also like anytime his dad says “baloney!” because I can hear him (DS) saying it in my head. Oh Lou. I hope he’s still alive and kickin’.

The weather is so perf merf lately, right?! I was driving to work and took a long cut so I could drive along Barbur Blvd to enjoy the trees in their orangey glory. It made me wonder about New England fall and can it really be THAT gorgeous?! Or is it the leaf industry building up hype to sell more leaves?? Paint it red, and sell it to anyone, as Papa Jim would say.

I also took a long cut to work because I’ve seen this young man working at a gas station on Barbur who I SWORE was from TV’s Little People Big World. I was just sure it was him and I was so curious why he was working at the 76 next to The Pancake House. So I stopped in to get gas today. And it weren’t him. I’m glad I stopped though. 1) I needed gas and B) now I know. I only have three more days to travel that route to the gulag. Thank Jebus! My boss was soooooooooooooooooooo infuriating today. It’s too long and way too boring, but ERMERGERD he’s a ding dong.

I have book club Thursday and for the first time in 100 years, I didn’t read the book. I’ve been reading, but relatively lite fare. I’m too twitchy lately. I got the narves real bad.

B’s football team is undefeated which means they’ll be in the play offs which means MORE FOOTBALL PRACTICE. And it’s time to WRAP THIS SHIT UP. It’s too busy with practice and homework and just LIFE. He’s getting tired and overwhelmed with school, math in partic.

Me? I’m awake at 12:43. Everything’s FINE!!

Lookie my coasters!


Knitting September 10, 2013

Filed under: knitting,Toad Blather — frogandtoadtogether @ 12:32 pm

Readers, I know you’re not knitters. But I like you any way! I just encourage you to look at this link and marvel at the talent of one Jared Flood. He’s a young guy from Seattle who is a photographer, knitter turned yarn manufacturer and knit designer. His collections are soooooooo beautifully shot. His layouts, the knits, the photos….everything is perfection. Look at the nature shots in his most recent collection. Gorge!

I made a baby blanket for Diego with a Jared Flood design AND his yarn. Highly impractical 100% wool, but I think it’s heirloom beautiful.

I like the Trillium sweater. Esp in the purple. Pretts!

Just humor me and peek at a few pages, dummieZzzzzzzz.




My people are cah-rafty! September 20, 2011

Filed under: knitting,Toad Blather — frogandtoadtogether @ 8:49 pm

Emily’s tortoise and hare mitts. Tres tres cute. See the fair isle critters? Amazeballs.

And here’s her brioche project. Double sided. Equally amazeballs. And completely beyond my skill slash patience level.



Sweater Fabuloso January 9, 2011

Filed under: Alicia Blather,Hattie's Daily Picture,knitting — frogandtoadtogether @ 9:50 am

Super Fab sweater on a not-so-cooperative 2 year old.  I asked her to put it on, she refused since it was something that I was requesting.  Without a fight I went to hang it up and then of course she asked to put it on.  I wanted her to stand still, a distance away from me so I could take a pic.  No dice.  See on the left she was giving me the “done” sign as she walked to me.  Well, the sweater fits and it’s FAB.  Thank you so much Toad.  Her teacher at school is going to flip over this.  We’ll be wearing it often.  P.S. the bulge in the tummy is due to large breakfast, not to too small of sweater.  Word.


I’m breaking up with Stephen West January 7, 2011

Filed under: knitting,Toad Blather — frogandtoadtogether @ 1:15 pm

Knitters, this is for you.

Look at that column of slipped st that I foxtrotted up.

I’m choosing to blame the designer. The whole YO between a K and a P stitch is also UNACCEPTABLE. As is intarsia.

I’ll finish this up, hopefully before blady weekend, then we are over, Stephen, OVER. Unless Little Colannade pulls me in.

Can I get a freaking witness?


Mystery Knitting January 3, 2011

Filed under: knitting,Toad Blather — frogandtoadtogether @ 10:39 pm

If a certain 2yo reads the blog, I don’t want her to know
what this is. But it’s progressing. I may have to call in sick
Thursday to finish it, but I’ll do it, by cracky. I’ve never done a
button band though…is it easy?


Oh for the love December 30, 2010

Filed under: knitting,Toad Blather — frogandtoadtogether @ 3:02 pm

Carved heart buttons? Sold!


LLLLLLLLLLLunchtime! And I’m still a jerk! December 29, 2010

Filed under: knitting,Toad Blather — frogandtoadtogether @ 12:18 pm

I had my shit together today and brought lunch. Hooray! I made all four of us lunch last night – double hooray! I have some big news for you all. I hope you’re sitting down reading this because what I’m about to reveal to you here, before I take it to Oprah and it turns into the next big thing like The Secret, will change your life. Are you ready? The secret to feeling better
is…..GETTING MORE SLEEP! I know! Who knew?! Last night I went to bed BEFORE 10pm, which is like a miracle. I finished up my book and instead of starting a new one, that was Right There on my Nightstand, I turned off the light and went to sleep. And when I
woke up this morning, BEFORE MY ALARM, I felt rested and….sane! And
people, that’s a new feeling for me in the morning. Usually I feel like crying and/or killing someone. I feel like I’ve discovered the Fountain of Youth. Or at least the Fountain of Don’t Cry and/or
Kill People in the Morning. Now, watch, while I stay up until 11pm tonight. Sigh. MOVING ON… I have been uber productive today at work and while it feels good to be Al Pacino, I’ve also been noticing how STUPID people are, all damn day. I have a list as long as my arm of “recommendations” for people, but sadly, who wants to hear
that? No one, I tell you. Well here’s one, co-worker: If you’re
looking up data for me and the person’s name on the list is Bob
Jones, don’t leave it blank because we don’t have a Bob Jones.
Maybe, could it be, perhaps….the Robert Jones we do have? Maybe?
Just maybe? And the partial info we have on employee “Smith.” Don’t
leave it blank. Look over a few columns and note they’re in Eugene.
Then look at Eugene employees and find the Smith. Problem solving:
PERHAPS YOU’VE HEARD OF IT? I’ve noticed as I’ve moved to a more
technical focus at work that I lean on more black/white thinking.
It’s interesting to observe about myself – it makes me understand
the crabby I.T. folks who look at me like I’m an idiot when I don’t
understand what they’re talking about when they ask me some mind
boggling question about what OS I’m running. What? I don’t know
what they’re talking about! In the past that has made me feel DUM
and hostile but now I just think, I need to ask them questions so I
can understand what they mean. What is my point? I don’t know. I
think it’s something along the lines of: don’t be an asshole when
people don’t think exactly like you do. And don’t walk around
thinking everybody else is STUPID. Other people with other
strengths can do 100 things I can’t do. Yet, sometimes….it’s just
so hard. Bob Jones MIGHT BE ROBERT JONES, people!!!!!!!!!!!! See,
it’s making me abuse the exclamation point! Ugh, MOVING ON AGAIN…
The good news is I did put my higher education to use today while I
made 398 mailing labels for my boss. So there is that shining spot
of light to look to. Oh, I kid! That’s enough gulag talk for one
day. Or one month. Last night I worked on my Last Minute Birthday
Present for a Two-Year-Old on 1/8/11. I had to go get a new needle
because the one I had was Bumming Me Out and also Hurting My Hands.
And when you have a marathon in front of you, you need the right
tool. I have this idea in my brain for vair special buttons for it.
There’s a gal in town who makes hand-made porcelain buttons and I
would kill to find some in just the right color. How cool and
impractical would that be? Luckily the anonymous two year old I’m
knitting for does not have to worry about the word “practical’ in
her wardrobe. She can wear it once then give it to Tony to wear.
Someone just emailed me thanking me “for all my patients” on
something he’s been working with me on. I think I should go for


Blah blah blah December 12, 2010

Filed under: crafty stuff,knitting,Toad Blather — frogandtoadtogether @ 10:55 pm

This thing just wasn’t working for me. Still not sure it is. I added another layer. Hmmm.

But this is nice. A finished/ blocked Xmas giftie. Periwinkle with pearly beads. I think my grandma is going to lurve it. The plaid blankie it’s on: Frog made it for me years ago.

That’s all folks. I was BUSY this weekend but it looks like all I did was make stuff. Not true.