Frog and Toad Together Blog

Napping, Knitting, Buying Kids Clothes and Walkin' Dogs…for the people

Importante! October 2, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — frogandtoadtogether @ 10:59 pm

1. I sent in some dollhairs for the deposit on Blady Weekend 2012. Mark your calendars, bladies.

2. I have book group in a week and only started the book today. I have to average many pages per day to git r done.

3. I love my houndstooth nails.

4. J does not love my houndstooth nails.

5. J doesn’t know his nail fashion.

6. Do you know that there are lots of blogs focusing on nail polish? Srsly!

7. Who watched Breaking Bad? O. M. G.

8. I drank too much water tonight and I have the sloshy feeling that feels like…you drank too much water. I better not have to pee in the middle of the night.

9. I *hate* getting up to pee in the night.

10. I usually fall back asleep on the terlit. I take my sleep vair vair srsly.

11. I may or may not have taken two naps today.

12. I was exHAUSted for some reason. Like, crash and burn tired.

13. Tired and snacky. That is a bad combo.

14. I did manage to do six loads of laundry today. Six. This was after doing several loads during the week too.

15. Honestly, how do the Mormons and the Catholics keep up on the laundry? I would have a nervous breakdown if I had to do laundry for more than the four of us. I’m contemplating getting rid of one family member…just to cut down on the m.f. laundry.

16. And the winner is: J! His work out schedule and the laundry it creates PLUS his life insurance value makes him the prime candidate.

17. Now…just how to kill him?? If I keep up my messy bathroom counter action, he’ll have a heart attack any day now.

18. Maybe I should have Ozzy carry in another turd in her mouth. He’ll stroke out for sure.

19. I keed! Relax people!

20. Wait. I thought of it. Burn his Duck tickets! He’ll shrivel up and die, like the wicked witch. All that will be left is his black dress and stripey socks. GENIUS!


Insane Clown Posse?

Filed under: Uncategorized — frogandtoadtogether @ 5:19 pm

I love these nails. Excuse the poor
picture. My fotog is only nine and VAIR busy.

They’re totally weird and fun (like me?) and just perfect for a 14, er, 41 year old (like me).

Sally Hansen Salon Effects, people. DiY glamour, 24/7 up in here yo!